Ah, so many books, so little time. Actually, I'm just bad at time management...
Who can find a good wife? For she is worth more than rubies that make one rich. Proverbs 31:10
This morning I came across an e-card that spoke to my current predicament. I am presently in the process of reading 14 books. No, not because I am a college student enrolled in school, but for the purpose of learning how to address all my deficiencies. I have stepped out of denial and realized I am not PERFECT. I'm aware that there are areas in my life where I could use some improvement and have decided that I'm taking this challenge of self improvement head on.
However, as I am terrible a time management, I've found myself struggling to organize my time where I can get all the things accomplished that I want to do. Anyone else have this problem? I realize that there are a great number of time wasters in my life. Namely, Facebook, Twitter, Pintrest, DIY network, Food Network, etc... >Sigh< My addictions to these things have left many pinned projects alone on their board in cyber space as well as many loads of clean laundry in need of an iron or folding.
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This isn't even the worst it's been... |
Since I quit my job as a preschool teacher this past May, I thought I would have, "sooooo much more time" to get things done. Well, I do and I don't. It stinks when the projects you wanted to get done don't come about cheaply. I see "unfinished" or "ignored" projects all around me on a daily basis. The cleaning, that once provided instant gratification on my "I've-accomplished-something-today" scale has become a list of undesirable chores.
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The satisfaction of an item crossed off! |
I wonder how I ever used to get anything done when I worked full time, and spent countless hours a week involved in Youth/ Women's/ Worship ministries. Then I remember, I didn't. My house was a disorderly mess, the tub needed a good scrubbing and the pile of mail grew by the day. I don't even want to get into my barren refrigerator. Those were the days of the NOT-Well-Fed-Husband...
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I wonder what he ate! |
Poor Babe. How'd he get stuck with a wife like me? :/
Like I said, I'm aware of my deficiencies, and after a few weeks of beating myself up for not being the Proverbs 31 woman my husband deserved, I got to reading. I realize figuring out how to be a good wife is not something that happens over night, (at least not for me) but I began my mission. I found a book, that lead to another book, that lead to another... Pretty soon, I'm reading 14 at the same time. No one can say I lack motivation, but organizing my time... uh... not so good.
All that aside, I know that it took a long time for these crazy-A.D.D.-habits to take hold. I'm just finding it so frustrating to break myself of them. Slowly but surely, I'm learning.
I'm learning...
- how to be a better cook
- how to manage a house
- how to balance a budget
- how to be a gracious hostess,
- how to cook foods that don't contain a stick a butter (1/2 a stick now)
- how to speak my husband's love language
- how to repsect my husband
- how to be support my husband
- how to pray for my husband and step-kids
- how to be a woman who's focus is on God first and foremost
My successful days at tackling the To Do List, chores and reading have come about on days I've spent the appropriate time focusing on the Lord first. I know it's not a coincidence, but I realize I'm a scatterbrain and how much I need God to help me learn how to do everything and anything.
I also know that with His help, I'll eventually tackle my ridiculous reading list and hopefully have taken a step towards being more like a "good wife." So on that note, I've got some reading to do...
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I'd better get to reading! Right after I check Pintrest for tonight's dinner inspiration... :) |