Now that I've married Robert, that will make me a Raymond. But what about my ethnicity that is attached to my last name? I'm pale enough as it is, that people forget I'm even Spanish. (Not to mention I don't tan all that well...) How can I be a Raymond?
Then of course there is the question of cleaving to my husband. The two have become one. But what does it say about name change? I have been thinking about hyphenating it to Sanchez-Raymond. But does this honor Robert? I don't know. So I asked Robert how he feels about this and he said he doesn't care either way. "It's your name baby. As long as I'm in there some where I'm happy," was his actual response. So he's no help. ;)
I know I'll still make hot chocolate on the stove with actual chocolate bars melted in... the real Colombian way. I'll still make my tostones and platano like I always have. I'll still answer my parents in Spanish when I don't even realize I'm not speaking English anymore. I'll teach my children all the children's songs my mom taught me like "Los Pollitos." But what about the name? I'm torn and really thinking the hyphen isn't looking so bad.
I'd be Marilyn Adela Sanchez-Raymond. My kids would be Blah Blah Blah Raymond. Socially I'd be Mrs. Raymond... unless I had to sign a legal document. And when I traveled my passport would be the hypenated name. It's probably safer for me to travel in Colombia, with my gringo husband Robert, with my spanish name still there on my passport.. ;D )
I'm just trying to work this out. Needless to say I've been in much prayer over this and haven't heard anything from the Lord about it yet. What do you all think about the matter? I could use some more input.
Then of course there is the question of cleaving to my husband. The two have become one. But what does it say about name change? I have been thinking about hyphenating it to Sanchez-Raymond. But does this honor Robert? I don't know. So I asked Robert how he feels about this and he said he doesn't care either way. "It's your name baby. As long as I'm in there some where I'm happy," was his actual response. So he's no help. ;)
I know I'll still make hot chocolate on the stove with actual chocolate bars melted in... the real Colombian way. I'll still make my tostones and platano like I always have. I'll still answer my parents in Spanish when I don't even realize I'm not speaking English anymore. I'll teach my children all the children's songs my mom taught me like "Los Pollitos." But what about the name? I'm torn and really thinking the hyphen isn't looking so bad.
I'd be Marilyn Adela Sanchez-Raymond. My kids would be Blah Blah Blah Raymond. Socially I'd be Mrs. Raymond... unless I had to sign a legal document. And when I traveled my passport would be the hypenated name. It's probably safer for me to travel in Colombia, with my gringo husband Robert, with my spanish name still there on my passport.. ;D )
I'm just trying to work this out. Needless to say I've been in much prayer over this and haven't heard anything from the Lord about it yet. What do you all think about the matter? I could use some more input.